Home Welcome! I’m so happy you are here.I’m Jane, a writer, poet, artist and creative mentor based in Aotearoa New Zealand.My work explores the relationship between writing, drawing & the non-human world. I’m particularly interested in acts of allyship; how we understand and communicate with place.How our creative work might serve to better protect it. How creativity can deepen our sense of belonging to and with each other. I love writing of the beauty that remains, and of what it takes to lead life with art.I would love for you to join me. You can read some of my writing or join my interwoven community over here on Substack. “There are practices I find that I rely on: the textured pages of my sketchbook, my black tip pens. I draw carefully, reverently, feathers, outlines, pay attention to anatomy. I am learning to pray; in all the ways ink and paper calls me to listen.”